Displaying items by tag: NHS

Thursday, 24 August 2023 23:24

NHS: 'unsafe' A&E

Senior doctors accused NHS Grampian of ignoring safety concerns about emergency departments. They spoke out because they felt they could not deliver safe levels of care. Grampian’s two A&E departments have no senior registrars on shift to make key decisions about patients for the majority of weekend night shifts. A number of senior doctors spoke anonymously to the BBC about conditions in these departments. Documents show that medics have been raising concerns since 2021 with NHS Grampian and the Scottish government. They have submitted a formal whistleblowing complaint about the situation as they are witnessing avoidable deaths, ongoing harm with unacceptable delays to the assessment and treatment of patients who may be suffering from serious conditions like stroke or sepsis. NHS Grampian said they recognise emergency departments are under tremendous pressure both there and across Scotland. They worked hard to expand the workforce, but consultant numbers are not yet at full capacity.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 August 2023 21:58

Continuing Healthcare breaking down

Despite recent increased spending on Continuing Healthcare, staff shortages and rising prices mean people with complex medical needs are lacking the help they need. Sometimes family members are so exhausted from providing continual care that they’re concerned over their relative’s safety. Declan is one of the 16,000 people needing Continuing Healthcare. He has severe, progressive muscle wasting and cannot move unassisted. He requires a ventilator to breathe and has chronic heart and respiratory failure. The care he needs to be able to live at his family home should be met by NHS’s Continuing Healthcare scheme that enables people with high complex needs to live outside of the hospital. Declan is entitled to 24/7 support by experienced care workers plus extra help mornings and bedtime. His mother has been asking for care overnight and during her working hours - but repeatedly faces shortfalls in meeting Declan’s needs.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 July 2023 10:09

Reflections of a Christian consultant

‘I have been a doctor for forty years working in a broken system. Endless demands with inadequate resources have been costly. But will striking work? Does Jesus want me to strike? I’m conflicted. Philippians says, ‘Don’t look out only for your own interests, take an interest in others, too with the same attitude of Christ.’ If I strike someone else will cover. They’ll be taken from routine work, making the queue of suffering grow. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, the NHS is not playing fair; they expect everything and erode my salary by stealth. The BMA says a strike in August will show the government we mean business. Colossians says I should think I work for you Lord, not them. Do I really have to trust you to meet my needs? Or must I agree with BMA’s next strike over pay and conditions?’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 July 2023 10:01

£1m raised to save hospital closed by NHS

Residents of St Ives have raised £1m to buy Edward Hain Memorial hospital after the NHS closed it. They feared it would be sold to developers to provide holiday flats. It will be a new hub for health and wellness, providing accessible and (wherever possible) free services to residents of St Ives and west Cornwall. Charities and health groups will provide support for people with conditions such as Parkinson’s, dementia and offer wellbeing and preventive services like food quality awareness, yoga and exercise. The League of Friends decided to try to buy it, so fundraising events including music gigs, balls, coffee mornings, afternoon tea and golf competitions were held. 92-year-old Enid, who was a nurse there in the 1950s, did a sponsored walk to help save the building. Fundraising will continue to pay off a £400,000 mortgage that helped them reach the target, plus the renovations and upgrades that are needed.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 July 2023 00:18

Junior doctors - five days of strikes

Junior doctors began a five-day strike on 13 July. It is the longest walkout in the NHS’s history. The strikes are being held even though the government has accepted recommendations from pay review bodies for teachers, civil servants and NHS workers, for pay rises of between 5% and 7%. BMA leaders are urging the Government to return to the negotiating table to resolve the situation that has led to thousands of cancelled operations and consultations. BMA leaders Dr Robert Laurenson and Dr Vivek Trivedi said, ‘We can call this strike off today if the Government will simply follow the example of the government in Scotland and drop their nonsensical precondition of not talking whilst strikes are announced and produce an offer which is credible to the doctors they are speaking with. Their refusal to talk with junior doctors who have strikes planned is out of keeping with all norms of industrial action.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 June 2023 10:20

Children with eating disorders

Eating disorders and self-harming have been rising among children and young people for a number of years. Before the pandemic there was a gradual decline in mental health among teenagers and young people, and five children in every classroom had a probable mental disorder. Between 2020 and 2022 around 3,862 thirteen- to sixteen-year-olds had eating disorders. In the same age group, 9,174 cases of self-harm were recorded. During the pandemic, prolonged access to social media, more focus on body image and less face-to-face contact may have led to feelings of low self-esteem and psychological distress, particularly among adolescent girls. Nevertheless, the NHS is currently treating more children and young people than ever before, with healthcare professionals under huge amounts of strain. Tom Quinn, director of external affairs at charity Beat, says there is a postcode lottery for care and everyone needs to get the help they need as quickly as possible.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:13

NHS patient experience survey

Data released on 8 June showed that A&Es experienced the busiest May on record, putting emergency care staff under significant pressure. Ambulance crews attended 624,092 call-outs, the highest number in a year. Alongside this, the figures show another record-breaking twelve months of cancer treatment and referrals, with more people than ever before getting checked and starting treatment. Tens of thousands of patients are set to receive a diagnosis and treatment for skin cancer faster, with accelerated NHS rollout of ‘teledermatology’, which involves taking high-spec images of spots, moles or lesions on people’s skin. NHS’s national medical director said, ‘As hospitals dealt with the most disruptive industrial action in history, average waits on waiting lists dropped to under 14 weeks - the lowest since before winter.’ In April 51,700 calls were answered daily by NHS 111.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 April 2023 22:05

Nursing strike cut short by High Court

A judge has ruled that a planned strike at NHS workplaces across England must be shortened by a day. It will now end at midnight on 1 May, not 8pm on Tuesday 2 May. The Government had asked the High Court to assess if the last day of the planned action by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) fell outside their six-month mandate for strikes. The RCN general secretary said, ‘The full weight of government gave ministers this victory over nursing staff in the darkest day of this dispute. The government is taking its own nurses through the courts because of their simple expectation of a better pay deal. Nurses will be angered but not crushed by today’s order. It could make them more determined to vote in May’s re-ballot for another six months of strikes. Nobody wants strikes until Christmas. Today we should be in the negotiating room, not in the courtroom.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 April 2023 10:01

Child gender clinic changes

Tavistock Gender Clinic has significant failings and will be replaced, but former health secretary Sajid Javid is concerned that two staff involved in past failings will have key roles in the replacement service. A senior Tavistock clinician has been given a training job in the new service. Sajid said that appointment processes should be urgently reviewed. The Gender Identity and Development Service is the only NHS gender clinic for children and youths in England and Wales, providing assessments and referrals for puberty blockers or hormones when they are old enough. Currently young people identifying as trans do not have issues such as autism and mental health problems investigated. Sajid Javid said, ‘Individuals who oversaw significant failings at the Tavistock should clearly not be managing the set-up of the new system.’ Current health secretary Steve Barclay said the Government would ensure the new service was run according to the recommendations of the independent review.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:57

Junior doctors strike

‘If we keep going like this, we'll have no doctors left.’ This is the message from junior doctors on the picket line of a four-day industrial strike. Speaking outside Stoke Mandeville Hospital, they said the NHS is facing an exodus of doctors unless conditions are improved: ‘It’s about improving the NHS and improving patients’ safety, improving worker retention and making workers feel valued again.’. Their comments were repeated outside hospitals everywhere by junior doctors claiming wage cuts of over 25% since 2008/9. They want a 35% pay rise. Downing Street said the proposed increase was ‘unreasonable and not affordable for the British taxpayer’. A London junior doctor, who is not striking, said the 25% cuts are based on questionable assumptions. The Nuffield Trust calculates the 8% pay cuts up to 2021-22 based on actual earnings. Also, many junior doctors opt to work part-time, then pick up additional shifts at high locum rates. A junior doctor in London earns in the region of £55,000, and that’s before locum shifts.

Published in British Isles