Displaying items by tag: Anglican Alliance

Thursday, 18 July 2024 22:13

GAFCON stands with the Alliance

GAFCON has expressed solidarity with the Anglican Alliance, condemning the Church of England's decision to bless same-sex unions, which they argue contradicts biblical teachings. The Archbishop of Rwanda, Laurent Mbanda, criticised the General Synod's approval of such blessings, stating it goes against scripture. GAFCON supports the creation of a third province for Anglicans adhering to traditional doctrines. While recognising the legal complexities within the CofE, it endorses the formation of a new province to provide pastoral care for those in impaired communion. GAFCON pledges ongoing support for faithful Anglicans worldwide. The archbishop said: ‘GAFCON supports all faithful Anglicans, whether they choose to stay and provide a witness to the truth in their home church, or whether they wish to leave for the sake of conscience. Wherever faithful Anglicans find themselves, we are ready to support, encourage and defend them. They are not alone.’

Published in British Isles

Anglican health and mission agencies had a global consultation to discuss their response to coronavirus. They have published key learnings and some examples of best practice, and are building up a repository of resources and Bible studies that can be adapted for different contexts. The Alliance identified three key roles the Church can play in such times to promote preparedness and resilience. These are ‘to give hope and combat fear with accurate information and encouragement through our faith; to keep the worshipping and wider community connected, if necessary via messages, phone and online, in case of quarantine and disruption; and to show God’s compassion and care to those affected in our communities, remembering that those already most vulnerable will be most affected’.

Published in Worldwide