Trump and relations with UK

Written by David Fletcher 11 Nov 2016
Trump and relations with UK

The election of Donald Trump is an unpredictable factor, with possible knock-on effects for Britain. His victory speech pledged to ‘get along with all other nations willing to get along with us’ and to deal fairly with everyone seeking common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict. Theresa May said she was ‘looking forward to working’ with him, in a strong ‘trade, security and defence ’ partnership. Previously, Mrs May called his campaigning comments on Muslims divisive, unhelpful and wrong, while Boris Johnson said he wouldn't visit New York due to the real risk of meeting Trump. However, he now says he is ‘looking forward to working with Mr Trump on global stability and prosperity’. President Obama had warned that the UK would go to the ‘back of the queue’ for US trade deals if it voted for Brexit. The Trump camp is more positive and ‘absolutely wants’ to strike a trade deal with the UK, whether in or out of Europe. See also Christian Voice comments at:

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