What are they teaching the children?

Written by David Fletcher 11 Nov 2016
What are they teaching the children?

Sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers; teen pregnancy and abortion; porn addiction; mental illness; inability to form and sustain relationships - the list goes on. Over recent years the UK has seen cultural, social and political change as the result of changing attitudes towards sexuality and gender and the combined, but often conflicting, pressures of secularism and multiculturalism. Education has reflected this shift, teaching that many once-traditional values are increasingly being banned by law. The policy of giving ever more information without any moral frame has been a spectacular failure and, with the disintegration of what are now branded repressive values, we face a growing crisis that affects the physical, mental and emotional welfare of our young. Today and tomorrow there is a major conference at the Emmanuel Centre in London, aimed at discussing and tackling these problems. Pray for the delegates to digest and act on all that is learnt and considered at the conference.

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