Brexit and the fight against corruption

Written by David Fletcher 01 Jul 2016
Brexit and the fight against corruption

A new government focussed on leaving the EU will have many things on its plate. Those are exactly the conditions in which corruption can take hold in public institutions and the private sector. Once it takes root, eradication is much more difficult . Transparency International have outlined possible Brexit consequences and pitfalls that we can ask God to intervene in, such as directives on anti-money-laundering and transparency over corporate reporting. Without the EU backstop the UK will rely on the quality of its government. Pray that the Government will allocate resources wisely. Exports will rise, raising the risk of bribery and undesirable partners and companies eager for investment in an emerging infrastructure with corrupt assets. Pray for leaders to put ethics over economic gain. During the financial crisis senior corporate managers and directors cut ethical corners. In economic uncertainty, this attitude could return. Pray for stability and honesty in the banking sector. The Government will have challenges ahead on the corruption front. Pray for political will to prevent slipping standards.

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