‘We are at a tipping point’

Written by David Fletcher 01 Jul 2016
‘We are at a tipping point’

Following the referendum result the Bishop of Exeter said, ‘We are at a real tipping point in the life of our nation, in terms of our place in Europe and in terms of what we want our country to be.’ He added that whether we are elated or depressed we need to unite and move forward against a background of a divided nation. Large numbers of ordinary people feel that their concerns have been ignored. There is a divide between London and Northern England, and between England and Scotland. Our largest political parties are ripping themselves apart in acrimony and recrimination. The cost is being counted, and not just in finance.’ However, he also said that first and foremost we must resist being controlled by fears, continue to make this country a place of tolerance and welcome, and work across national boundaries to build a safer, more united future.

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