Hillsborough - truth revealed, now for justice

Written by David Fletcher 29 Apr 2016
Hillsborough - truth revealed, now for justice

Churches on Merseyside have been holding vigils for the football tragedy at Hillsborough for 27 years. This week a report exonerated the fans: now justice is needed. The following prayer is from the Baptist Times: ‘God of justice and peace, help us to hold fast to the dignity restored through the Hillsborough report. Truth, unwrapped from deception, has paved the way for justice and peace to be found. Give us grace to walk on with dignity, and help us to live lives that bear testimony to our true character that has now been acknowledged. Grant diligence and courage to those who must now take forward the cause of justice, and patience to those who long for its coming. Bless this ongoing and noble pursuit, and thwart any plan to stand in its way. Bless the waiting and the hopes of the families, survivors, supporters and all who feel the pain of these events. Bless those whose endeavours may indeed bear the fruit of justice. Bless our city and those throughout the world who suffer injustice.’

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