Government avoids defeat over child refugees

Written by David Fletcher 29 Apr 2016
Government avoids defeat over child refugees

On Monday the Government crushed a cross-party amendment, tabled by Lord Alf Dubs, to the immigration bill that would have seen the UK accept 3,000 child refugees from Europe. The Government recently announced that it would take in an extra 3,000 child refugees from the Middle East over the next four years, but not those from Europe, saying such a policy would encourage more. The Christian charity Home for Good said, ‘We are very disappointed that Parliament voted against the amendment that would have allowed 3,000 unaccompanied refugee children currently in Europe to be brought into the UK. This crisis has not gone away, and there are still many children in need of loving homes. Last year 3,000 children arrived unaccompanied into the UK and claimed asylum. These children desperately need homes and people to care for them.’ See also:

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