Police crime figures 'dead in the water', says City of London police chief

Written by Admin 2 11 Jun 2015
Police crime figures 'dead in the water', says City of London police chief

Crime figures compiled by police are ‘dead in the water’, said the Commissioner of City of London police Adrian Leppard. ‘Police figures provided only a small prism of the harm to communities’. Victim-based surveys offer more insight into offending levels. Statisticians ‘capped’ the number of ‘repeat’ offences at five per victim; however violence against women and domestic violence is happening repeatedly, much more than five instances per person. 45% of violent crimes are against women. Banks and businesses often failed to report fraud to police.  Victim-based surveys need to be extended, with a move to include fraud and cybercrime. This would add three million offences to the figures. Lisa Harker, from the NSPCC, said the organisation had to send Freedom of Information Act requests to police forces in order to obtain data on child sex offences.

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  • Pray: for better communication between agencies, for the cap on repeat offences to be removed and measures introduced to put an end to unreported crime so that the true levels are revealed. (Pr.2:2)