The rise of the awkward half-grace - and why it needs to stop

Written by Admin 2 11 Jun 2015
The rise of the awkward half-grace - and why it needs to stop

There was a time when Christians felt self-confident enough to thank God in a public restaurant for the food, for the people who prepared it and for the establishment in which they were consuming it. We didn't care. Today, as we attend the same restaurant, the food is brought out, around the table we fidget with forks, someone adjusts their chips and adds sauce. But no-one makes a move; everyone instinctively knows that this might be the point where someone decides they should make a show of themselves. Then, to audible sighs of relief all round, someone says grace. The awkward half-grace. ‘Well,’ someone says, with forced confidence. ‘Thank you Lord!" The deed is done. Has the awkward half-grace emerged because we don't want to look different to the culture we live in and draw attention to ourselves? See THE MILL GATHERING at

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