Methodist, CofE, Catholics and Quakers - energy and climate justice

Written by Admin 2 06 May 2015
Methodist, CofE, Catholics and Quakers - energy and climate justice

The Methodist Church has deep roots in UK mining and manages £1.1bn of investments for charities and pension funds. Under a new climate policy announced this week, those funds could exclude investment in coal used for power generation, tar sands and companies whose business model is dedicated to finding and exploiting new fossil fuel reserves. The Church of England has announced it will end investments in heavily polluting tar sands oil and thermal coal. A third of Catholics say they will make their lifestyle greener if Pope Francis makes an official statement on climate change, ahead of a significant publication from the Vatican on the environment. (See article 1 in this week’s Europe section) The Quakers in the UK are disinvesting their money from fossil fuels and want an end to unconventional fracking and tar sands oil. See:

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