NHS - Care Pathway still being used

Written by Admin 2 06 May 2015
NHS - Care Pathway still being used

As a nation we have turned away from God’s values and His guidelines when it comes to taking and giving life. The Liverpool Care Pathway was meant to be phased out last year following concerns that it was being abused by NHS staff. But recently, nurses have warned that it is still being used by hospitals under a different name. The LCP is a practice whereby foods and fluids are withdrawn from patients who are thought to be close to death. They are usually sedated and given a 'do not resuscitate' order. An inquiry overseen by Baroness Neuberger ordered the practice to be phased out and the practice was banned last summer. But earlier this year nurses and cancer charities told MPs on the health select committee that the pathway was still being used by hospitals - although not by that name. 

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