Loneliness a major middle class problem, says Church

Written by Super User 17 Feb 2015
Loneliness a major middle class problem, says Church

A survey of clergy finds loneliness is a significant problem in both wealthy and deprived areas of England. Loneliness and isolation are England’s most widespread social problems and are common even in affluent middle class areas, according the survey. The number of clergy reporting that social isolation is a major problem in their area has risen by ten per cent in the past three years. The survey published by the Church Urban Fund and the Church of England showed loneliness was the only issue to be cited by clergy as a significant problem in the majority of wealthier, as well as deprived areas. Social isolation was listed as a more common problem than unemployment, homelessness and poor housing by the 1,812 clergy who completed the questionnaire. In London, nearly three quarters of vicars said social isolation was a major or significant problem in their community. (See also Prayer Alert 04-2017)

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