Over 8 million abortions since 1967 Act

Written by Super User 19 Jun 2014

The number of abortions has risen to more than 8 million in Great Britain since the practice was legalised, according to the latest Department of Health statistics for 2013. MPs have criticised the way abortion is increasingly used as a form of ‘contraception’, as the new figures also show more than a third, 37 per cent, of abortions for resident women were repeat abortions. In total, there were 190,800 abortions in England and Wales last year. In 2012, 33 women were found to have had at least their ninth abortion, compared to 49 last year. Responding to the statistics, Labour MP Jim Dobbin said: ‘Why, in a country which apparently abhors abortion being used as a method of contraception, do the figures for repeat abortions keep rising? The UK is a rogue state when it comes to abortion. Our abortion time limit is double that of nearly every other member of the EU.’

Additional Info

  • Pray: against this trend of using abortion and repeat abortions as a form of contraception. (Lk.15:21)