Controversial GM babies plan – not a straightforward issue

Written by Super User 19 Jun 2014

A scientific panel has said that controversial techniques to create three- and four-parent babies are not ‘unsafe’, but further tests need to be completed. Professor Andy Greenfield, who chaired the panel, said safety was ‘not a straightforward issue’. If Westminster approves the techniques, the UK will become the only country in the world to legalise the creation of three- or four-parent embryos. Fiona Bruce MP said: “The international community is wholly against these techniques. The UK would be setting a very dangerous precedent in adopting them and isolating itself from the rest of the world. Lord Alton of Liverpool said: ‘Given the safety concerns which have been raised, the unresolved ethical questions, and a practice which runs contrary to international consensus, it would be prudent for the UK to wait at least until these issues have been resolved before being stampeded into a decision which has such far-reaching consequences.’

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  • Pray: for the Government to prudently wait on this matter that has so many issues to be resolved. (Pr.13:6)