London’s Christian community ready for the Olympics

Written by Super User 26 Jul 2012

London is awash with many Christian groups ministering across the city and there are many others throughout the British Isles. Please pray for: a team of former Olympians known as ‘Chaplains to the World’s Olympians’. Their ministry ‘Bridging the Gap 2012 UK Outreach headquarters is based in the Kingsway International Christian Centre. Pray also for the Olympic Village Chaplains in each Olympic host city made up of a local component and an international contingent. Please pray for the 3,000 copies of commemorative English-language Scriptures available as a welcome gift in the Olympic Village, and the ‘More Than Gold’ ministry providing sports clinics, a ministry providing cups of water on every street corner for Olympic visitors, and ‘street chaplains’ welcoming people to London and helping visitors find their way around. Prayer is the secret ingredient in any evangelism and for Olympic ministry it is particularly important as the world comes together in goodwill.

Pray: for clear unhindered communication to flow through every event, particularly between volunteers and the public, organising agencies and volunteers.


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