London Paralympics involve churches

Written by Super User 06 Jul 2012

The London Paralympics run from 29 August to 9 September. British Churches are organizing celebrations and activities for these Games but critics are wondering whether churches will be inspired to improve their own facilities for the disabled. ‘There’s a sharp contrast between the facilities provided for this event and those available in most churches. Between 10 and 18% of people are disabled but we don’t see that number in our congregations,’ said Tim Wood of Through the Roof. In spite of years of campaigning and changes to legislation that in theory require public buildings to have accommodations such as wheelchair ramps and designated parking spaces, more than half the churches in the UK still lack such features. ‘St. Paul spoke about people running in a race to win medals that don't last. Our churches offer something so much more. I hope the legacy of the Paralympics is that we welcome many more disabled people into our faith communities.’

Pray:for the inclusion of all individuals, even those with mental, physical or emotional disability in our faith communities.


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