Scottish Minister condemns £1.6 million grant to homosexual group

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2013

A Scottish pastor has criticised the Scottish Government’s decision to give £1.6 million to a homosexual organization’s school campaign. Rev David Robertson, minister of St Peter’s Free Church in Dundee and director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, warned that the decision to give so much taxpayers’ money to Equality Network will further undermine Christianity and do little to stop bullying. He commented: The Equality Network have a definition of homophobia which means that anyone who disagrees with their position is homophobic. For example, I am not homophobic but am opposed to the redefinition of marriage. The Equality Network has now been given money, not to combat homophobic bullying, but to promote their own views and to suppress any other view. Ironically this is more likely to increase bullying than to decrease it.’ The Scottish Government is not giving money to combat other kinds of bullying.

Pray: that the funding allocated to this group will be withdrawn as it promotes homosexuality alone to the detriment of Christianity.


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