Scottish Catholic opposition to homosexual ‘marriage’

Written by Super User 15 Sep 2011

A senior Catholic clergyman has voiced strong opposition to the Scottish Government’s proposals to introduce homosexual ‘marriage’. Bishop Tartaglia, of the diocese of Paisley, argued that should the Government allow for homosexual ‘marriage’, it would not deserve the trust of the Scottish people. The Bishop used tough language to challenge the State’s authority, saying that: ‘Marriage is an institution which does not owe its existence or rationale to governments or legislatures. Governments do not have the authority to say what marriage is or to change its nature or to decree that people of the same-sex can marry.’ The Bishop also warned ministers that churches may be forced to solemnise homosexual partnerships against their will, a claim which has been denied by supporters of the proposals. His comments followed those of the Archbishop of Glasgow, who said over the weekend that homosexual ‘marriages’ would be ‘meaningless’ as it would not result in the creation of a natural family.

Pray: that Church leaders will continue to speak out boldly against any action that would degrade marriage. (Heb.13:4)


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