Rise in food handouts for poverty-stricken families

Written by Super User 07 Oct 2011

An NHS report covering the Highlands, Argyll and Bute said poverty was the biggest issue with 53,000 people in poverty last year, see:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-15153821 Elsewhere, across the British Isles poverty-stricken families are joining lengthening queues for food handouts from charities and voluntary groups and alarm bells are ringing at the number of people going hungry. Food charity FareShare distributes donated food across the country to church halls, homeless projects and other charities struggling to help families hit by unemployment, price rises and benefit changes. They have reported a 20% rise in demand for food handouts from families unable to make ends meet. FareShare is a marker for chronic hunger as the economic forecasts worsen. This weekend the Conservative party meets in Manchester to discuss what can be done about it.

Pray: that the Lord will lead all those in authority to address the causes of poverty wisely as well as the symptoms. (Job.5:16)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/oct/01/families-queue-for-food-handouts.

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