Riots: Churches supporting with prayer and practical assistance

Written by Super User 11 Aug 2011

The recent riots spread across a number of major cities in England, including many parts of London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol. The police struggled to respond to fast-moving and rapidly changing events. Most of the looting and disorder has been in economically deprived parts of the country, and among young people. The General Director of the Evangelical Alliance has described the rioting, looting and vandalism of the last few days as ‘shocking and unacceptable’. He added that churches were uniting and taking ‘immediate action’ to provide relief, support and care to victims of the riots. ’Christians are present on the street and participating in the clear-up by offering encouragement and support to the emergency services and their neighbours while praying for peace,’ he said. After four days of riots the Prime Minister has said ‘We needed a fightback and a fightback is under way.’

Pray: against the work of the enemy that has corrupted the minds of the young and pray for the restoration of order, for peace and for safety and understanding. (Job.28:28)


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