Prayers in Local Councils and Parliament

Written by Super User 07 Oct 2011

The Christian Peoples Alliance is opposing attempts to ban prayers at local council meetings. Two councils in East Sussex have been warned that Christian prayers are ‘not part of their duties’. The warnings come despite Christian prayer being part of the English constitution since Saxon times and said daily in the House of Commons since 1558. Mayfield Parish Council was issued the advice by the Sussex Association of Local Councils after voting to include a prayer session in its meetings. Councillors were told it was not appropriate and should be taken off the agenda. Former Newham Councillor, Alan Craig, said, ‘This demand is part of the secular-isation of our society. The most important thing is to get Christian values and Christian prayers back into our society and not take them away. Having Christian prayers is saying Christian values are good values for public life and a council meeting is a part of public life.’

Pray: for more, not less time to be spent in prayer each week in every borough and government meeting. (2Ch.7:14)


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