Prayer for ethics, corruption and justice

Written by Super User 19 Jul 2013

‘Ethics and Corruption’ is one of the Social Justice Issues of our time. Intercessory prayer is our responsibility to stand in the gap on behalf of the poor, the broken, the hopeless and the lost and to pray for God’s mercy to restore and transform, to make right what is wrong. The Bible is clear that God desires Christians to live just and ethical lives in every sphere of society – that includes our Church life, our business live, and our social and political life. As Christians we have a responsibility to live ethically in our personal lives, to encourage others to conduct themselves in a just and ethical manner in their sphere of influence, and to pray that God’s Kingdom, which is just, merciful, and gracious, is established in the world. Our prayer life should be the source from which we draw strength from God’s Spirit to do what is right in our homes, our community.

Pray: that as the people of God we pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint our prayers. (Micah 6:8)



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