Mock execution of wheelchair user

Written by Super User 28 Jul 2011

On Wednesday 27th July disability rights campaigners staged a mock execution of a wheelchair user outside Parliament. The group, Distant Voices, is trying to publicise and reverse what it sees as the drift towards involuntary euthanasia. The event was led by Nikki Kenward, a woman who experienced being ‘locked in’ after contracting Guillian Barre Syndrome, which left her totally paralysed for five months except for the ability to wink an eye. Mrs Kenward is among those who fear that pressure is mounting on Parliament and in the Courts to allow the killings of seriously sick, disabled or minimally conscious patients, particularly the 6,000 mentally-incapacitated patients in the British health care system. She said: ‘Everybody is going to get old, everybody is going to be disabled. If we don’t want to value difference what differences will be acceptable in the end? Very few.’

Pray: that this protest will raise awareness of this drift to involuntary euthanasia and lead to a reversal. (Ps.119:154)


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