Mission from everywhere to everywhere

Written by Super User 15 Apr 2013

Mr Kafwanka,Director of Mission for the Anglican Communion, speaking in Glasgow last Sunday said The 'mission trip' has often meant "going to help some poor African souls who cannot help themselves but this is not the only story of mission today", “It is tempting to think of mission in terms of one party providing support and another receiving. But such a relationship will come to be characterised by "paternalism on one side and dependence on the other" he says, “instead of both sides seeing mission as "an opportunity to serve together". "There is small but growing confidence among Christians in the majority world and a determination to forge partnerships characterised by sharing and transparency, In that sense, mission today is less about 'what we do 'out there' and more about churches being in a relationship of 'sharing'. While he commended the UK church's heart for world mission, he said that British Christians going to do mission were not being properly prepared to learn.

Pray: for a new response to mission that is mutually inclusive and transparent. (Jn.13:34)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/mission.from.everywhere.to.everywhere/32123.htm

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