Miliband urged to do more on tackling tax haven secrecy

Written by Super User 23 Jan 2012

UK-based international development agency Christian Aid has welcomed Labour leader Ed Miliband’s determination to tackle the tax havens which are harming UK public finances but it urges him to go further, because financial secrecy is a curse for poor countries too. The intervention comes as the opposition leader and the Conservative Prime Minister exchange words about 'responsible capitalism' which critics say have rested on amelioration rather than a tackling of fundamental problems and injustices. ‘It’s great that Mr Miliband has recognised that tax haven secrecy is damaging people in the UK, by providing a cover for people and companies to hide their wealth and avoid paying the taxes that are so urgently needed,’ commented Dr David McNair, Christian Aid’s Principal Adviser on Economic Justice, earlier this week. But, he added, ‘We now hope the Labour leader will also recognise that financial secrecy has devastating effects on public services and people’s lives across the world, especially in poor countries.’

Pray: for message from Christian Aid to heard and acted upon by all parties in Parliament. (Lk.16:11)



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