Midwives take hospital to court in abortion row

Written by Super User 19 Jan 2012

Two midwives went to court Tuesday (17 Jan) to challenge a policy introduced by Southern General Hospital in Glasgow which requires midwives to help with abortions, regardless of their religious convictions. The right of midwives to refuse to participate in abortions on the basis of their religious beliefs is explicitly protected by the 1967 Abortion Act, and has
historically been respected by the hospital. However, the hospital recently changed its stance by imposing an obligation on midwives to watch over, and sometimes assist, with late abortions, which were frequently being transferred from the gynaecology department to the labour ward. The two midwives, Mary Doogan and Teresa Wood, both Catholics, were unable to persuade the hospital to uphold their right to refuse to participate in abortions during the statutory grievance procedure.

Pray: for Mary and Teresa as they face this challenge to their faith and their rights. (Is.7:9b)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/abortion/midwives-take-hospital-to-court-in-abortion-row

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