Medics suggest legalising infanticide

Written by Super User 08 Mar 2012

In an article in the British Medical Journal two medical ethicists said doctors should be allowed to kill disabled or even unwanted newborn babies because they are ‘not actual persons’. They argue that parents should have the choice to end the lives of their children shortly after they are born because, at this stage, they are morally irrelevant’ and have ‘no moral right to life.’ And, ‘Infanticide is no different morally to abortion since both a foetus and a newborn baby were only ‘potential persons’. Rev Joanna Jepson said the article highlights ‘false ethical assumption made by many pro-choice groups, that abortion was morally justified because the child was still in the womb.’ Lord Alton said it is profoundly shocking to see how opinion-formers within the medical profession have ditched the professional belief of the healer to uphold the sanctity of human life for this impoverished and inhumane defence of child destruction.

Pray: for people to recognise the distorted thinking in the justification of post-natal abortion and to reject it completely. (Mt.19:14)


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