Medical Council to continue case against Christian doctor

Written by Super User 29 Sep 2011

A GMC Investigatory Committee has decided to continue to pursue the case against Dr Richard Scott, the Kent GP accused by a patient of sharing his faith in a one-to-one consultation, despite the witness not being at the hearing and showing an ‘unconditional disinclination to attend’. The case has now been temporarily adjourned by the GMC's Investigatory Committee whilst another attempt is made to get the complainant to attend. With no witness at the hearing this week, Dr Scott was not able to cross-examine and challenge the evidence of the complainant on what was allegedly said between the two individuals in the consulting room. Concerns have been raised that without the chance to cross-examine, any doctor would be made extremely vulnerable to allegations. (See Prayer Alert 21-2011)

Pray: for Dr Scott and pray that the GMC would be granted true wisdom. (Ps.89:21-22)


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