Marriage tax break at £150 ‘not enough’ say faith leaders

Written by Super User 28 Sep 2013

Current marriage tax break proposals could be seen as an ‘empty gesture’ and should be paid at a much higher rate, a group of faith leaders and political activists have warned. In a letter to the Sunday Telegraph, politicians have been urged to back the transferable tax allowance as ‘a sensible first step’ to counter the ‘devastating trend of family breakdown’. But the leaders, Bishop Nazir-Ali, Lord Singh, director of the network of Sikh organisations, Robert Woollard, chairman of Conservative Grassroots and others, called for all political parties to ensure the tax break is ‘meaningful’ by making it worth more than the ‘low level’ of £150. The letter said the introduction of the marriage tax break is ‘long overdue’. The Conservatives promised to bring in a transferable tax allowance, which would save married couples £150 when one spouse stays at home, in their election manifesto in 2010.

Pray: that the government will look closer at the decisions to bring in a transferable tax allowance. (Pr.2:9)



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