Marriage not dead, says work and pensions secretary

Written by Super User 10 Feb 2011

Marriage is not dead but a force for good in society, and something which churches should do their bit to support, according to the secretary of state for work and pensions. Speaking at the launch of Marriage Week UK on Tuesday, the Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP called marriage ‘our most basic institution’ and said it was now an important political topic not to be shied away from. He said: ‘The financial costs of family breakdown are incredibly high. But what is most painful to see is the human cost - the wasted potential, the anti-social behaviour, and the low self-esteem.’ Speaking at the launch at the House of Commons, Mr Duncan Smith added: ‘The commitment of two people to put selfish interest to one side for the sake of each other and the children they raise is simply the very best of us as human beings’.

Pray: for all the activities promoting Christian marriage during this Marriage Week. (Heb.13:4)


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