Conversions from Islam in Wales

Written by Super User 16 Aug 2013

Last May, the Evangelical Alliance (EA) conducted research on the experiences of 15 Christians in Wales who had converted from Muslim backgrounds. Muslim-background believers (MBBs) in Wales number approximately 300, with the majority coming from a Persian background. Apart from Persian MBBs, there are also individuals in Wales from other backgrounds, some British born, others not, including Somalian, Afghan, Turkish and Pakistani. MBBs in Wales enjoy, as would be expected, a great degree of religious freedom, there is also the possibility of individuals feeling threatened or intimidated by their community or family members because of their decision to convert. The trend of Iranians leaving Islam is a social phenomenon occurring throughout the West and is rooted in a number of issues: the perception that Islam is a foreign religion that has been foisted upon them (Zoroastrianism was the ancient religion of the region) and their exposure to a particularly harsh version of political Islam in Iran are both contributing factors.

Pray: that the Holy Spirit will continue touching the lives of Muslims and pray that Christians will come alongside and encourage.(Mk.16:15-18)



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