Contraceptive Culture usurps parental consent

Written by Super User 14 Jan 2013

As Britain continues to have the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe, school children under the age of consent are being given the pill without the consent of their parents. In hundreds of state secondary schools across the country condoms are also being offered to pupils under 16 years old (the legal age of consent). And if they express an interest, girls are referred for contraceptive injections and implants. School nurses providing advice and referrals — without the consent of parents — is seen as the only way to reach the most at-risk girls. In one case a 14 year old girl with a headache was refused an aspirin by the school nurse because parental consent was required, yet she was offered a confidential service on contraception. Policy is set in education authorities, but the confidential service is already offered in areas including Bristol, Berkshire, Peterborough, West Midlands, Northumbria and County Durham.

Pray: for authorities and parents to recognise their roles and for them to work together to support teenagers.. (Gal.5:19)


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