Christians still feel marginalised - report

Written by Super User 21 Nov 2011

A new report out from Premier Christian Media warns of a ‘strong bias’ against Christians in British public life. The media group’s report is based upon consecutive polls it has commissioned in recent years to gauge perceptions among Christians and non-Christians. Feelings of marginalisation were found to be particularly strong amongst Christians. In a 2008 survey of 500 Christians, 73% said they felt Christians were being unfairly marginalised in British society. That was followed by a C-Panel poll the following year which found that 66% of Christians felt there was greater negative discrimination towards Christians than other faiths. Although non-Christians were far less likely to agree that Christians were being marginalised, poll results revealed a sympathetic general public. Premier noted perceptions of ‘favouritism’ towards Muslims in particular and a bias towards homosexual lobby groups.

Pray: against the ongoing marginalisation of our faith in all levels of society. (Pr.10:11)


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