Christians serving in the Armed Forces

Written by Super User 22 Feb 2013

There are many Christian servicemen and women within the British Armed Forces. Often they are alone and isolated especially during deployment. They need our love, support and encouragement. This week the Minister for Defence announced, ‘The United Kingdom and Ireland will provide a joint Infantry Training Team to the proposed EU Training Mission in Mali. Our contribution to this mission will be similar to that provided in Somalia where we provide a joint trainingteam alongside Malta’ said the Irish Minister for Defence. The EU mission to Mali will provide the Malian Forces with military training and advice in order to ensure security and restore democracy in the country. Please pray for all Serving Christians that they will find fellowship particularly when on deployment.

Pray: that other Christians in the forces will come along side them so that they can mutually support and encourage each other. Pray that the Chaplain will seek them out to spend time with them, and be salt and light in their witness to those around them. (Ps.23:4)



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