Christian faces sack for beliefs

Written by Super User 01 Feb 2011

David Booker has worked as a hostel support worker for the English Churches Housing Group, recently taken over by the Society of St James, for four years. Allegations against him followed a discussion with colleague Fiona Vardy. The free-flowing conversation lasted 35 minutes and Mr Booker answered his co-worker’s questions while making clear that he had homosexual friends and was not homophobic. ‘I did say that I didn’t agree with same-sex marriages, I didn’t believe pastors or vicars should marry same-sex partners and I didn’t agree with practising homosexuals being a pastor or a vicar.’ A few days later, he was formally suspended. A formal notice told him: ‘On 26 March 09, whilst on shift with Fiona Vardy, you seriously breached ECHG’s Code of Conduct by promoting your religious views which contained discriminatory comments regarding a person’s sexual orientation’. The charity has the Archbishop of Canterbury as a patron.

Pray: for common sense, enabled by the Holy Spirit, to rule for this Christian and others in like situations. (Ac.4:25)


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