Christian duty to cut food waste, says charity

Written by Super User 14 Jan 2013

A charity that runs foodbanks across the UK says Christians should be more responsible when it comes to buying food to stop wastage. The Trussell Trust's comments came after a report revealed that an average family wastes nearly £500 a year on food that ends up in the bin - despite it being perfectly fine to eat. The research by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 'Global Food: Waste Not, Want Not', says across the world people throw away half the food that's produced. Adrian Curtis, Foodbank Network Director for the Trussell Trust said it's an issue we all need to consider carefully. Wasting food doesn't only mean you lose the product but you're also wasting precious resources including land, water and energy. Ten per cent of rich countries' greenhouse gas emissions come from growing food that is never eaten. The report also warns this issues needs to be tackled as the population grows.

Pray: for a comprehensive global reponse to the problem of fodd wastage. (Pr.23:20-21)


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