Benefit cuts are 'unjust', say Churches

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2013

Churches say the benefit cuts which came into place April 1 are ‘unjust’ and hit the poorest hardest. The changes include the introduction of the so-called 'Bedroom Tax', which will mean cuts to housing benefit for some social housing tenants with a spare room. Around a third of families in social housing will be affected by the change. The up-rating of working-age benefits and tax credits at around a third of the rate of inflation will mean a real-term cut in payments, affecting especiallythose on the minimum wage and people out of work. The Government hopes to make savings of 20% by replacing the Disability Living Allowance with the Personal Independence Payment. The warning has come from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland, who say that the most vulnerable are paying a ‘disproportionate price’ in the Government's austerity measures.

Pray: that the Government will consider those that are most vulnerable and make allowances and be prepared to listen. (Is.10:1)



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