British Isles
Recently Prayer-Alert readers were asked to pray about the BBC reduction in Christian programming: This week BBC producer and presenter Roger Bolton said the BBC is ‘failing at a time of global crisis to take…
Corruption, family breakdown, immorality, poverty, debt, addictions, and crime affect and ruin people’s lives. Praise God that the Christian voluntary sector is doing much to alleviate needs and improve situations, but the Church also needs to…

Advent 2016

02 Dec 2016
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, is providing a daily online reflection throughout Advent. The Archbishop said, ‘I love Advent, it’s a wonderful season of watching and waiting.’ Across the country denominations and organisations like…
A new initiative hopes to drop evangelistic messages into people's Facebook news feed. Not cheesy cliché-ridden content, but attention-grabbing Christian content. This resource is focusing on the hundreds of millions of unchurched who need the gospel…
The Government is appealing against a High Court ruling that MPs must vote on triggering Article 50. The Scottish and Welsh Governments’ senior law officers will also take part in the appeal. Further, an ancient Scottish…
Ashers bakery has been told it may be able to take its fight against a discrimination ruling to the UK Supreme Court. The Christian-owned bakery was ruled to have broken discrimination laws by refusing to make…