God bless our Government

Written by David Fletcher 09 Jun 2017
God bless our Government

Our election has resulted in a hung parliament and the prospect of a minority government - so there is all the more reason to pray. ‘Father, we ask You to bless our new Government, so that the United Kingdom will display God’s Kingdom in all decisions made by our politicians. Bless them and their advisors with clarity and wisdom. Father, bless and anoint our politicians as they settle into their new responsibilities. We pray that You will give the Prime Minister supernatural revelation and strategies from heaven that will lead this country easily and purposefully into and beyond Brexit. Father God, we ask you to raise up Josephs, Daniels and Esthers in governmental circles, and anoint them to bring about the revisions and transformations that are exactly what we need in this uncertain season that we are entering. Father, Your word says, “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall” (Matthew 12:25). Lord, bless our MPs with unity and vision.’

(written by Linda Digby of Prayer Alert)

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the new government, and all the newly-elected MPs. Pray for God’s blessing on each of them at this challenging time. (Prov. 24:5,6)