Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 08 October 2020 20:14

New environmental prize announced

Prince William and Sir David Attenborough have joined forces to launch what they hope will become the ‘Nobel Prize for environmentalism’. They say the search is on for fifty solutions to the world's gravest environmental problems by 2030. The ‘Earthshot Prize’ of £50m will be awarded over a decade, It’s the biggest environmental prize ever. The Prince said ‘positivity’ had been missing from the climate debate - something the award could supply. ‘The prize is about harnessing optimism and urgency to find some of the world's solutions to some of the greatest environmental problems’, he told the BBC. ‘Anyone could win’. He called for ‘amazing people’ to create ‘brilliant innovative projects’ to help save the planet. There will be five awards of £1m each year for ten years.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:23

Disease developing and dispersing

A ban on households meeting indoors was part of further restrictions announced on 1st October for the north of England. Many universities are reporting coronavirus cases and thousands of students are self-isolating, having lectures delivered online with few face to face tutorials. Students are struggling to get food supplies, others are questioning why they were told to leave home when most teaching is being done remotely. On 27 September University Hospitals Birmingham reported 1,001 deaths since 14 March.  It was the first hospital trust to record 1,000 Covid-19 deaths, saying the toll is the ‘terrible reality’ of the virus. Pray that God will use His people to bring hope to the thousands caught in anxiety over a fresh coronavirus wave. May His peace rest on those in fear because not knowing what tomorrow will bring, and His presence and hope for the future into lives tormented with a sense of not being in control. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:19

Government deal with faith communities recommended

A document entitled Levelling Up Our Communities, written by Christian MP Danny Kruger at the request of Boris Johnson, outlines how the UK can build on the goodwill and togetherness established as a result of the pandemic, with thousands of people volunteering to help those in isolation. Among his recommendations are a bank holiday called Neighbour Day and a national database of volunteers for use in future emergencies. He also writes, ‘The Government should invite the country's faith leaders to make an offer of help in exchange for a reciprocal commitment from the state.‘ Faith communities will mobilise their congregations and commit their resources to tackling social problems of debt, children in care, prisoner rehabilitation, rough sleeping, or something else. Boris Johnson said the document was ‘comprehensive and highly ambitious, containing many exciting ideas’. The department for culture and sport would now consider the proposals.

Published in British Isles

Evangelical theologian Dr Ian Paul warns that a second lockdown could create more problems than it solves. He and 800 church leaders have signed an open letter pleading with the UK governments not to close churches again. He said lockdown was having a huge effect on people, because it was creating fear and isolation: the people who suffer disproportionately are those living on their own, the poor, and those without the luxury of large places to live in or gardens to visit. He also suggested it was misguided of the Government to plan its response around any notions of 'beating' coronavirus, saying, ‘One of the things the virus has done is confront us with our own mortality.’ He added, ‘The spiritual dimension of life is really important. The Christian Church has a message of hope to offer the world.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:13

Church: ‘expand free school meals’

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Durham have asked the Government to expand free school meals over school holidays as more families face hardship due to the pandemic. They said free school meals should be available to all children in families on universal credit and that the scheme should cover holidays. They also want funding to help schools that are supporting poorer families through services like breakfast clubs. They said, ‘All schools must have the appropriate resources to be able to address issues of child hunger and poverty and expand their role as places of security for children who are at risk, whilst maintaining safety at school. Outdoor play, exercise and access to nature are vital to healthy learning. Helping schools ensure outside activities continue will aid mental as well as physical health.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:11

Disabled children’s home 'at risk of death'

A home in Newcastle for twenty disabled children aged between six and eleven was closed after Ofsted inspectors visited in September. Issues at the home included staff not knowing the ‘complex’ health needs of children. The inspectors’ report said there was serious risk of harm and loss of life because of the way the home was run. Children and young people were not safe when a fire was caused by a build-up of dirt in an oven. One child suffered ‘actual harm’ when a risk assessment was not observed, and a vulnerable child left alone together with one with challenging behaviour without adequate supervision. Not all staff were trained to administer emergency medication, which could have resulted in loss of life. High staff turnover meant they were unfamiliar with individuals’ needs. Pray that residents can adapt easily to different routines, surroundings, and staff at their new homes.

Published in British Isles

Documents seen by the Guardian newspaper suggest the Government has been working on detailed proposals to build asylum detention camps on two south Atlantic islands, and also in Moldova, Morocco, and Papua New Guinea. These proposals might go further than Australia’s hard-line system, based on migrants ‘being intercepted outside Australian waters’, allowing Australia to claim no immigration obligations to them. The Financial Times reported that the home secretary has asked officials to consider processing asylum seekers at Ascension and St Helena. Home Office sources distanced Priti Patel from the proposals, and Downing Street has also played down the story.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:05

Coronavirus scams

A BBC investigation found criminals setting up fake businesses on an industrial scale and successfully applying for government-backed Covid-19 emergency loans, with no intention of paying the money back. Builder Mark Telling had his details stolen to set up a bogus company which ‘borrowed’ £50,000 from the scheme. Mark, who had no idea the company had been set up in his name, was horrified when the BBC told him what had happened. Victims like him could find themselves liable for the debt and have their credit rating badly affected. Also the public has been warned to be on their guard against scammers taking advantage of the current coronavirus situation to extort money, or gain access to homes. Online shopping scams are the most widely reported method: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:00

Brexit negotiations

Commenting on the latest week of negotiations, one UK source said, ‘Obviously we are ready to up the pace but people are getting over-excited - there still is a long way to go and fish remains very tricky.’ On 29 September Downing Street played down the idea that a deal was imminent despite hopes that an end to talks was in sight. EU access to British fishing waters has not been solved, there remains much to be done and many do not expect a breakthrough before the mid-October summit of EU leaders. Government ministers have agreed to give Parliament a say before ever using the powers they would be granted by the Internal Market Bill. However, the latest news is that the EU has begun legal proceedings against the UK because of some controversial clauses in this bill, which could result in a court case at the European Court of Justice.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 24 September 2020 21:44

Boris Johnson's son baptised

Boris Johnson and his fiancée Carrie Symonds have confirmed that on 12 September they had their four-month-old son Wilfred baptised by Father Daniel Humphreys at Westminster Cathedral. While little is known about the PM's religious beliefs, Carrie Symonds is a practising Catholic. As it happened, this event provided a solid alibi for Boris when he was accused of travelling to Perugia for a short holiday. The accusation was withdrawn after it became apparent they had mixed up Johnson with former PM Tony Blair. A spokesman said that journalists could ‘confirm with the priest’ that the PM was not in Italy but instead at his son’s baptism.

Published in Praise Reports