Displaying items by tag: Religion

Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:48

Europe: simple church

The pandemic has been disruptive for centralised service-based models of congregation. However, churches based on small groups are less affected by the crisis. With self-organisation in simple, organic, house church movements, there is no dependence on church buildings and pastors - making these groups more financially resilient. Their resources are available for mercy ministry and mission in discipleship movements. In the last twenty years, we have seen a gradual paradigm shift in the church on what it means to follow Jesus. The emphasis is no longer on church membership or a program you follow, but on a daily life led by God's Spirit in connection with others, both inside and outside church walls. The church is seen as an organic network. This requires abandoning control and systems, and discerning with other Christians how and where God is at work. Coronavirus can help the church become such a movement, consisting of people who live and act in dependence on Christ: see https://mailchi.mp/joelnews/jni-1177?e=10cd13704c

Published in Europe
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:37

Sudan Christians beginning to feel welcome

After more than three decades of Islamist rule, Sudan has passed reforms that include allowing non-Muslims to drink alcohol and have abolished the apostasy laws and flogging. From a Christian perspective, reforming the laws of the old regime allows Sudanese Christians to feel welcome in their country again now that Sudan is moving towards a government based not on religious values, but on general human rights is a major development. Pray that this move leads to an ongoing democratic transformation; so that continued reforms within government and society will favourably impact the lives of all minorities. Pray for Sudanese Christians to take advantage of new freedoms and begin to provide hope to the Muslim majority population.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:31

Global persecution in the pandemic

Every six minutes a Christian is killed for following Jesus. For millions, the truth is an extremely dangerous thing to believe. 58% of Iraqi and Syrian refugees are Christian. Ongoing wars and continued presence of terrorists have created the largest refugee crisis in history, forcing over four million Christians from their homes. Imagine facing torture and death for just saying ‘I believe in Jesus Christ’. This is a reality for over 245 million Christians today who often face physical violence towards themselves or loved ones. They lose homes and jobs because of their faith. May persecuted Christians experience renewed strength to follow Christ, particularly during this pandemic, when refugee camps make it impossible to implement social distancing. Our brothers and sisters in Christ need help and support more than ever. From Morocco to Iraq various forms of lockdown are in force, there are food shortages and hospitals are under strain. Christians are at the bottom of the social ladder: see https://htp.org/how-covid-19-is-impacting-persecuted-christians-and-how-you-can-help

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:28

North Korea: Prisoner 42

After fleeing from North Korea to China, Prisoner 42 was captured and sent to a North Korean prison camp, where she spent one year in solitary confinement. Guards shaved her head and stripped her. Each morning when they called for her, she crawled out of a door flap, typically used for dogs or cats, and kept her head bowed low because she was not allowed to make eye contact with the guards. They would ask her the same questions, ‘Why were you in China? Who did you meet? Did you go to church? Did you have a Bible? Did you meet any South Koreans? Are you a Christian?’ She lied to stay alive. She was beaten and kicked daily. She said,’ It hurts the most when they hit my ears. My ears ring for hours, sometimes days’. She was later sent to a re-education camp where she met other secret Christians. After two years she was released from detention.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:27

House of prayer

There are many vital areas still needing prayer. The virus, the economic challenges, and fear do not take a holiday. Likewise the church, the 'house of prayer', cannot afford to ease up at this crucial time. We need to devote ourselves to pray with perseverance until we receive the answers and achieve the breakthroughs so desperately needed in all these areas. There has been an unprecedented outpouring of prayer in this nation and throughout the world. We cannot afford to slow down now. Please pray that the virus will be halted in its tracks and sent into reverse - 'thus far and no further' (Job 38:11); for our Government as it continues to grapple with huge decisions; for our health and social care services to cope well with the impact of the virus; and for the safety of police and all frontline emergency services, maintaining order and security.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:11

Fundamental freedom of worship

Church leaders led by Pastor Ade Omooba continue their legal challenge of the lockdown restrictions on churches. The group has been stressing to the Government that churches, not civil authorities, have the legal and moral authority to make decisions over worship services. This challenge has already led to speeding up plans to allow churches to meet. A recent guidance document lists restrictions on activities like singing and baptisms. Nearly all the points made are listed as things for churches to consider, not rules to follow: so churches that emphasise the importance of singing may be able to do so, having considered how to avoid any risk. Nothing has changed yet: the Government must update coronavirus regulations in line with the guidance. If they do reflect the guidance, church leaders should be emboldened to open their churches and resume services in the way they see fit.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:08

Bishop reacts to PM's economic recovery plan

The prime minister's plan to spend £5 billion on rebuilding the economy after the coronavirus crisis has been met with scepticism by Rt Rev Martin Gorick, Bishop of Dudley. In a keynote speech in Dudley, Boris Johnson announced a new ‘opportunity guarantee’ to help the economy cope with the ‘aftershock’ of the coronavirus crisis. Bishop Martin said, ‘We need to pray not just for warm and expansive words, but we need to pray for cool calm thinking, planning and the real determination to deliver for the poorest communities, and especially for some of our young people.’ The Prime Minister acknowledged that it might seem premature to make a speech now about Britain after Covid, given events in Leicester, but said, ‘We cannot continue simply to be prisoners of this crisis. The country needs to be ready for what may be coming’.

Published in British Isles

The Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book, yet the history of Bible translations is contentious and bloody. Many translators were burned at the stake. Today Islam is spreading, and in some countries Bibles are a rare commodity. Please pray for people groups without a Bible in their mother tongue. Pray for organisations like the Bible Society, Wycliffe, and many others translating and distributing God's Word. May the translators have Holy Spirit discernment to accurately depict the original text into the various cultures and dialects. Pray for those publishing scriptures in print, audio, visual, braille, technical devices and various advanced layouts. May the distribution avenues they use be unobstructed. Pray also for God's protection for Christians being persecuted for living by God’s word in hostile dangerous environments. May all believers have safe spaces in which to study, grow in their faith, and share God's teaching.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:44

Church-planting and discipleship movements

During the last 25 years thousands of new followers of Christ have been born among peoples who were historically starved of the gospel. These mass turnings to Christ are happening among Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist peoples through natural networks of family, household, and friendship. The gospel is introduced through a person with an abundance of natural links in the community, often called a ‘person of peace’. Discipleship is learnt in groups meeting to discuss the scriptures and seeking to obey Christ. Each person is taught to reproduce the discipleship process in their own networks. Living out the Kingdom by serving others is seen as important in glorifying God and in reducing hostility to the message. Praise God that many thousands of people are meeting Christ in Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist communities. Pray for church-planting initiatives around the world to be channels of grace.

Published in Worldwide

Two bishops have asked the Government to help prevent the annexation of the West Bank. Israel is preparing to annex parts from 1 July, but the Catholic bishop of Clifton and the Anglican bishop of Southwark said the annexation plans were not supported by local communities and the situation is rapidly deteriorating. ‘Annexation would only bring more conflict, suffering and division’, they said. Their comments follow strong criticism of the plans from the Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Vincent Nichols. They said in letters to the Israeli ambassador and prime minister that they unambiguously support the fundamental right of Israel's citizens to live in peace and safety and ‘pray for peace and flourishing for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Israel and Palestine and all living in the Holy Land.’

Published in British Isles