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Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:31

Prayer Update from Israel


Hamas rained down almost 500 rockets on Southern Israel over a two and a half day period. Netanyahu sat 7 hours with his cabinet discussing whether or not to go to war.        

Some of his cabinet felt there was no other choice except to go to war, as these last months of terrorism - sending fiery balloons over the border burning up farmland and forest areas, hordes of Palestinians trying to break through the border, etc., etc., etc. were bringing a living hell to the Israeli citizens in the south.            

Others believed that because of the certain loss of many lives in the IDF that would occur, and the world's condemnation that would surely come, if Egypt could help put together a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas, that would be the best direction.        

Netanyahu chose the latter.  Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman was furious and resigned, taking his party of 7 Knesset seats with him.  That left Netanyahu with 61 Knesset seats in his coalition.  Netanyahu needs 61 out of 120 to lead the nation.            

Naftali Bennett, who also felt the nation must go to war to defeat Hamas and give relief to the hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the south, told Netanyahu he wanted to take Lieberman's place as defense minister - or he would leave the government with his 8 Knesset seats.  Netanyahu refused and Bennett says he is also leaving the government. That means elections are here.            

It would seem logical that Netanyahu believes he can win a snap election, or he would not have let his government fall.  He would have given Bennett the job.            

Netanyahu is the most popular politician in Israel.  The issue is that he has the entire group of ultra-Orthodox parties in his coalition, as he bends towards the religious.  That means the Haredim (ultras) have tremendous power in Israel.  They basically let Netanyahu do whatever he wishes to do, as long as he fills their coffers with shekels to support their men of whom the majority won't work or serve in the army.  Aside from the harassment and persecution against Messianic Jews and Messianic congregations, the Haredim take far more than their share of finances, and give back little to Israeli society.

Yet, there is no other strong leader in any of the other parties that stands out who the Israeli public have faith that he or she can keep Israel in survival mode. Israel lives in the most dangerous neighborhood in the world.            

So let us pray for God's will to be done in this upcoming election (2019).            

Lord, we pray, in the awesome Name of Yeshua, that You will hear the prayers of Your people who have a personal relationship with You and Your Son, and give us relief from the Haredi persecutors. We pray that You will put together the coalition that You desire.  Hear the words of our hearts, because we don't know who we should pray for or how to pray.  But You have a plan.  You have a plan to save all Israel and to bring revival to the nations of the world.

Use Your people here in Israel that love You. Give us opportunities and freedom to spread the Word of God more and more here in Israel. 



  • That God will “redeem Israel out of all of his troubles” (Psalm 25:22).  That a government will be put in place which is not out of alignment with those redemptive purposes!
  • That while it is time for the present government to stand, it will stand; when it is time for it to be replaced, that it will fall.
  • That with the resignation of Defense Minister Lieberman, a man or woman of courage, integrity and wisdom for that job will be chosen to take his place.
  • That, as Shira mentions above, the ultra-Orthodox members of the present government (or one which may arise in its place), will not be allowed to work injustice nor take unfair advantage of their positions to coerce the government in a direction which is unrighteous and unjust.
  • That God minister strongly to Prime Minister Netanyahu during this time.  That he humble himself before his God, and allow himself to be led in ways which are truly aligned with God’s purposes for Israel this year.  That he fulfills the length of days God has ordained for him to lead.   That a godly, strong God-fearing leader be being nurtured to be raised up to take his place.
  • That the warm, strong relationship between the governments of Israel and the United States which God has brought into place during this season would not be threatened or adversely effected by a shake-up in the Israeli government outside of God’s timing. 

Martin and Norma Sarvis


Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:30

Afghanistan - ongoing prayer needed

There is very serious and heavy fighting going on in many areas in the country. The defense minister Tariq Shah Bahrami said that battles are ongoing in at least ten provinces in the country and that the level of threats are beyond the capabilities of government. The battles are currently simultaneous going on especially in these provinces: Ghazni, Uruzgan, Faryab, Jawzjan, Sar-e-Pul, Kunduz, Badghis, Baghlan and some other areas.

On Wednesday Afghanistan’s Lower House of Parliament summoned the heads of the security institutions for the second time in a week on the situation in the country, particularly on Ghazni and Uruzgan provinces (where many Hazaras live). 

The defense Minister made this sad statement: “To be honest, the level of threats is very high and the current facilities available to security and defence institutions is not enough to repel these threats. Afghanistan’s enemies are plotting to bring us to our knees. The enemies and supporters of enemies (neighbouring countries etc.) of the people of Afghanistan including the backers of terrorists have made their final plots to break our back.”

Another statement from the Minister of Interior Mr. Barmak shows their desperation:  “the minister of defense and myself remain busy on the telephone until 2am and 3am (daily); we call here and there to this and that commander and get updates on the situations, and the commanders shout for help.”

The Taliban have attacked and conquered several areas of the minority Hazara Shia community and it is feared that they will commit many atrocities there. Often the Taliban killed Hazaras and even targeted their mosques and schools. Thousands of Hazaras are fleeing their villages and many have come also to the capital.

This situation is like a desperate cry, from the ministers and commanders on the field and the people that are suffering and we are wondering that how long the Army is able to push back the Taliban.

Please pray with us urgently and strongly

For the Lord to intervene in this very desperate and increasingly hopeless situation.
That the Taliban Forces would be defeated soon and that the government troops will be able to defend their country.
Especially now that they will be driven out of the Hazara areas and for protection of these vulnerable community.
For wisdom for the government and especially the Defence Ministry and Army and that they will receive all the help they need.

Thank you for standing in the gap for this embattled country. This has gone on for so long but we believe that as we earnestly pray for this country, once again we will see a breakthrough and a defeat of this that try to destroy this country.

We believe that even this situation will turn around as we pray!

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:21


The theme of this international assembly of on-fire Millennials and youth along with those from other generations will be- Receiving the Moravian Lampstand: Prayer + Missions.” The organizers are envisioning to bring together a projected estimate of 4,000 youth and young adult leaders for a 3-day destiny-engaging convergence which will be held at the ICC-MGK in North Jakarta, and an estimated 10,000 for the Solemn Assembly which will be held at the Stadium Area in Senayan.

Like the first global gathering in Korea, we believe that this will awaken the young “Davids” to fight against their generation’s “Goliaths,” and against the injustices in the nations. It will provoke them to wake up and do something. And we believe that the greatest injustice today remains to be this: that JESUS is not worshipped in the nations. We know that only Jesus can bring true justice. So, the UPRISING will not just be a call for the youth to gather in prayer, but it will be a call to battle from a place of extravagant worship and united prayer as we launch a global generation to a global harvest, all unto the hastening of the return of the Desired of nations: Jesus Christ!

We will also be locking arms with Indonesia as she is being released to her destiny at this hour. We will join her in contending for the ancient doors to open up, as we believe that it will be the key for the other ancient gates in the nations to open too, toward taking the gospel back to Jerusalem, and preparing the church to welcome the King of glory (Psalm 24:7-10)!

The Moravians once cried, “may the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward of His suffering.” In the spirit of the Moravians, we long to see the Church prepared for His coming again. It is our prayer that this gathering in Indonesia in January will be catalytic in awakening a generation in the nations to have a deep longing for Jesus’ return, and thus, align their lives unto that.  

God is releasing a new wave of the Jesus Movement, of the Azusa Street Revival, of the Wales Revival, of the Moravian Revival on steroids… another great awakening is being sparked! This is the Psalm 24 generation that God has been waiting for. We hope you can join us in catalyzing these waves of youth-led global prayer and mission movements at the UPRISING, and together, let us labor for the Lamb to receive His inheritance in the nations.

19bHere is the latest video about the Global UPR which we would appreciate your sharing with your various networks and constituencies, especially the younger generation, encouraging them to take part in this life-changing, world-impacting gathering; all are welcomed to take part. UPRising promo video --

Preview YouTube video World Generation Gathering: Global UPR 2019 Indonesia

More Info and Register HERE

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:20

United Prayer Rising Events

UPRISING Global: Jakarta, Indonesia - January 23-26, 2019 (WYPA)

World Generation

Jakarta, Indonesia, January 23-26, 2019

Please pray for and consider taking part in this world youth prayer assembly in January. Here is a video and details to register. You will want to forward this to younger generation  believers but anyone is welcome. 

Friday, 30 November 2018 00:08

Iran: poverty rising

The World Bank reported that after sanctions were removed in 2016 there were many positive economic developments in Iran. In November 2018 the US reimposed sanctions and requested India, China and EU countries, to stop working with Iran. Sanctions are major causes of food insecurity, mass suffering, and eventual high poverty rates. Oil is the largest source of income. When there is no oil coming, there are no US dollars. Everything purchased in Iran is with US dollars. ‘No dollars’ causes the value of the Iranian rial to fall drastically, causing many companies to go bankrupt and having to let a lot of employees go. Sanctions increase the gap between the rich and poor. However there are a number of Christian business and mission initiatives established in Iran, including church-planting via small businesses. See

Published in Worldwide

China’s planned artificial intelligence-controlled ‘social credit’ system is bringing a new depth of intervention into the lives of its citizens, including Christians. A vast network of advanced surveillance technology uses monitors individuals’ location, records their facial expressions and body language, and tracks all movements, giving them ‘social scores’ as they go about their daily lives. The expanding system could severely affect Christians if they are deemed to demonstrate ‘dissent’. In September 2018 the largest house church in Beijing was shut down for refusing to have security cameras inside their building, and 344 pastors called on the authorities to allow full religious freedom, adding, ‘For the sake of the gospel, we are prepared to bear the loss of our freedom and of our lives.’ Meanwhile the Bible Society reported the Bible is China’s best-seller, even though there are only 4,600 ordained pastors. On average, every pastor is responsible for 6,700 Christians.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 29 November 2018 23:54

Yemen: peace talks to resume?

Peace talks between all sides in Yemen’s conflict could resume soon in Sweden. The date could still slip, but the aspiration is for Houthi rebels and the Yemeni government to meet early in December. They would be supported by a Saudi-backed coalition. Pray for every person needed for these initial talks to make an appearance in Sweden. A demand for 50 wounded Houthi fighters to be transported to Muscat for treatment must be met before Houthi leaders will attend the talks: this should happen soon. Pray for Britain, the US, and other allies to have clear positive conversations with Mohamed Ali al-Houthi, head of the rebels. Pray for a spirit of mutual trust to be developed. and for communication links to be strengthened. Pray for an increased distribution of UN aid, and for the desperate humanitarian crisis to end.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 29 November 2018 23:52

India: persecution and church growth

Persecution is intensifying. Extreme Hindus aim to eradicate every Muslim and Christian from India by 2021. In some places, they seem to have support from the government and the police. Pastors have been killed and their own family accused of the murder, despite eyewitness reports about Hindu extremists. This is also a time of unprecedented church growth with many testimonies of miracles and amazing moves of the Holy Spirit amongst young people. The remarkable children’s prayer movement is growing. One district had no Christians 10 years ago and now has 200 churches. Persecution is more likely in traditional rural areas and in the north, but radical Hindus can - and do - arise anywhere.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 November 2018 23:58

Nepal: church forced to close

After two months of harassment from high-caste Hindus, a church in Nepal has been forced to shut down. Brahmins had disrupted worship of the Pakhluwa Eternal Life Church each week, and accused pastor Tufani Bhar of converting villagers. Church members had resorted to meeting in homes, but the Brahmins issued threats to anyone found meeting even there. Pastor Bhar said that he had tried everything possible to preserve the fellowship, but was unable to withstand the opposition. Initially the Brahmins objected to the use of guitar and drums in the church service, so they worshipped in silence. The next objection was to the monthly Lord’s Supper, and opposition rose steadily until they were refused permission to meet at all. Church attendance fell from 30 to 16 people, before disbanding last weekend due to fear.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 November 2018 23:55

Afghanistan: battles still raging

Defence minister Tariq Shah Bahrami has said that battles are ongoing in at least ten provinces. He added, 'To be honest, the level of threat is very high and the current facilities available to security and defence institutions are not enough to repel these threats. The enemies of the people of Afghanistan including the backers of terrorists have made their final plots to break our back.' The Taliban have attacked and conquered several areas of the minority Hazara Shia community, and it is feared that they will commit many atrocities there. They have even targeted their mosques and schools. Many Hazaras are fleeing their villages and coming to the capital. The people are suffering, and wondering how long the army will be able to push back the Taliban.

Published in Worldwide