
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Thursday, 06 April 2023 21:56

Japan: G7 summit prayer watch

The annual G7 summit, in Japan, is from 19 to 21 May. The World Prayer Centre is calling people globally to join them on Zoom on 20 May at 10 am GMT +1, to pray for the summit and all the G7 leaders, together with the president of the European Council and the president of the European Commission. If you would like to join the event online via Zoom video conferencing. You will need to set up an account and download the app to your device Log in when the meeting is due to start, using these details. Topic: WPC PRAYER WATCH Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317 Passcode: jesuslives You will then be admitted to a waiting room until WPC permits access. Once admitted, please put your mic on mute. WPC look forward to seeing you!

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 March 2023 23:27

From the desk of Franklin Graham

‘I recently returned from an incredibly fruitful trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where God opened the door for me to preach the Gospel during the Spring Love Festival. It is very unusual for an evangelistic event to be held in Vietnam. What a blessing it was to watch thousands come forward at the invitation to repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. There is so much ministry under way right now, and none of it would be possible without prayerful support.’

Published in Praise Reports

Two and a half years after being arrested, eight Christians accused of kidnapping and the forced conversion of 60 children were acquitted in Madhya Pradesh. The two men and six women were arrested while travelling with the children to a Bible camp in Nagpur. Even though the parents, from a tribal background, had given consent for their children to go, the group’s leaders were detained and charged with illegal religious conversion of the children. The ‘anti-conversion law’ in Madhya Pradesh requires a person to obtain government permission before changing religion.

Published in Praise Reports

Sharren Haske, a prominent Israeli opposition politician, has urged Christians in Britain to pray for peace for her country, following massive protests against plans to reform Israel's judiciary. This week, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a delay to the plans, saying he is ‘not ready to divide the nation in pieces’. Sharren is a member of the opposition National Unity party and chairs the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. ‘It's a very challenging time right now in Israel. Many of our citizens are really heartbroken’, she said. ‘The division among the nation is one of the biggest challenges that such a diverse community as the people of Israel is facing every single day. We're not against it. We understand that there is the need for reform and for changes. The question is how the judicial system is going to look, the next day. They take a more extreme approach, we are for a more moderate one.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 March 2023 21:55

Syria: Alewite people in Latakia

Located on the Mediterranean Sea, Latakia is a port city of Syria. Its population of 340,000 includes a large community of Alewite people. Alewite Islam is a sect of Islam that is related to Shia. They place an emphasis on their trinity: Muhammad; his nephew and successor, Ali; and Salman al-Farisi. They believe in reincarnation and take part in a ‘mass’ involving bread and wine. They have their own religious book. Among Muslims they are regarded as heretical because of their beliefs and practices. We can pray, ‘Lord, would you use the Alawites and their idea of the trinity to show them that the Father, Son, and Spirit are the true Trinity, the Bible is the only true Word of God, and Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. In this important port city, use this sect of people who have been rejected to bring Your truth to that city and country.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:11

Israel: Call for protection of holy sites

The World Council of Churches’ General Secretary has condemned an attack that took place in the Church of Gethsemane in Jerusalem on 19 March and has expressed solidarity with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in calling for international protection of holy sites. ‘This terrible attack – which appears to have purposely targeted religious leaders – is an egregious violation of international law’, he said. ‘We stand in solidarity with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and all those calling for the protection of holy sites, and we reiterate our calls for such protection during Christian holidays and during all days of importance for all faith communities. We are extremely concerned about the increasing attacks on holy sites in Jerusalem and deem it necessary to facilitate a meeting of key religious leaders in the near future to discuss what can be done to stop these uncalled-for attacks on religious leaders, sacred places and institutions.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:03

Cambodia: Cyber scam slavery

Imagine you’re looking for a new job. You come across an advert online for a well-paid, dream role. You get the job and move to a different country, full of excitement for this amazing opportunity. But when you arrive, you realise you’ve been sold a lie. It's too late. You’re trapped inside a compound, forced to scam people with fake romance or investment opportunities. You’re electrocuted if you don’t hit your targets. This nightmare of cyber-scam slavery is a reality for thousands of people in Southeast Asia. Pray for God to give success to the people who are tirelessly working to free the captives from these walled compounds. Pray for the traffickers to be caught and convicted so that those who were deceived and entrapped receive justice.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2023 04:54

Israel: Religious v secular politics

For three years no stable government has been established despite five elections. Currently a right-wing, religious government rules. But the opposition refuses to accept it. There are civil uprisings involving all sectors of society, even the military. Police usually crack down on right-wing and settler demonstrations. Now they are allowing protesters to shut down highways etc. Many say ‘Israel is being shaken to its very foundations’ and it’s getting worse daily. The conflict is a spiritual battle between secular and religious visions. Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion was never able to reconcile the opposing secular and religious sectors for Israel and finally gave up on the idea of formulating a foundational constitution or charter for Israel. He decided the state of Israel would be founded on the UN's general principles of human rights. Is Israel to be a state like all other nations, or does God have a different calling for Israel?

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2023 04:49

UAE: Detaining 2,400 Afghan asylum seekers

Human Rights Watch reported the United Arab Emirates is detaining 2,400+ Afghan asylum seekers at makeshift facilities after being evacuated from Kabul following the 2021 Taliban takeover. They are living in cramped, miserable conditions and stranded in limbo, with no hope of being resettled. The UAE denied conditions were poor and said they were working with the US to finish resettlement processes. Over 10,000 other Afghans who were flown to the UAE have been resettled in America, Canada and elsewhere. A further 70,000 were evacuated directly to the US before American troops left Kabul. The Afghans are housed in two converted apartment complexes known as Emirates Humanitarian City and Tasameem Workers City. Some Afghans had previously worked for US government-affiliated entities or programmes in Afghanistan. They reported constraints on their freedom of movement, limited access to fair refugee status, lack of adequate access to legal counsel or children’s education plus no psychosocial support.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 March 2023 03:56

Iran: Brutal chemical attacks on schoolgirls

Toxic chemical attacks across the Islamic republic are poisoning schoolgirls. Over 1,200 girls have been hospitalised so far. School authorities and government bodies deny or downplay the strange objects landing in schoolyards and loud bangs being heard. Many believe the attacks are ‘revenge’ tactics against young Iranian women leading a revolutionary movement that erupted in September. Iran's Ali Khamenei demanded punishment for the females involved in the uprising, saying the punishment for teenagers would be special because they're aware of what they are doing. Officials try to blame foreign ‘enemies’ for the attacks, but student’s families believe the real enemy is their government. Parents gathered in one school chanting ‘death to the child-killing regime.’ Meanwhile, widespread social media footage shows a concerned mother brutally attacked by plainclothes security forces for demanding answers about her poisoned daughter. Other parents demand to know why school security cameras were off when the poison gas spread.

Published in Worldwide