Displaying items by tag: Testimony

As a mischievous fourth-grader, Jennifer Fulwiler moved all the Bibles in her school library to the fiction section. Raised on science and Carl Sagan, atheism was her belief system. However, everything changed when she had a baby. Holding her newborn, she realised profound flaws in atheism and felt a transcendent love that contradicted her materialist worldview. The atheist worldview, she found, could justify immoral behaviour from a survival perspective. When she questioned this, fellow atheists dismissed her concerns. After marrying and having a baby, she marvelled at the miracle of life, sensing that her love for her child was more than just a chemical reaction. This realisation eroded her atheism. Seven months later, drawn to a book in a store, she discovered Lee Strobel's 'The Case for Christ'. Expecting to refute it, she was instead convinced by his arguments. Jennifer accepted Jesus and now plants seeds for the Gospel as a Catholic comedian, transformed by her journey from atheism to faith.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 June 2024 09:51

Miracles and the power of prayer

Rebecca St James has discussed the profound impact of prayer and trusting in God through the lens of her family’s experiences. The Smallbone family, originally from Australia, faced significant challenges after relocating to the United States. Despite severe financial difficulties, their unwavering faith and persistent prayers led to numerous miracles, including unexpected provisions and career successes. St James' story, portrayed in the film 'Unsung Hero, ' underscores the power of relying on God during adversity. She also reflects on her journey away from the music industry, which allowed her to focus on her family and deepen her Christian faith. This period of rest and renewal has reinforced her belief in the importance of prioritising spiritual and familial values over material success. Through her testimony, she encourages others to trust in God’s plan, emphasising that He works through our prayers and faith even when circumstances seem insurmountable.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 June 2024 09:40

Hopeless addict given second chance at life

Josh's journey from addiction to redemption is a testament to the power of Christian faith and forgiveness. Deeply addicted to heroin and meth, he resorted to drug trafficking and crime to sustain his habit, leading to a downward spiral that left him homeless and estranged from his family. In a moment of despair, handcuffed in a patrol car, he prayed for forgiveness and a chance to reconcile with his loved ones. Miraculously, his withdrawal symptoms were manageable, and he received support from his wife and community. Now clean, Josh credits God for his second chance and strives to rebuild his life.

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Shawn Ryan, a former Navy SEAL, once sought to bust drug lords in Colombia. However, his post-military life took a dark turn when he became addicted to adrenaline and established a drug trafficking ring in South America. Growing up, he struggled academically and socially, leading him to join the military. Despite initial rejections, he found his place in the Navy SEALs. He served in Afghanistan and Iraq, combating deadly threats like explosively formed penetrators. Then he became a Blackwater and CIA contractor, numbing his traumatic memories with drugs. His addiction and thrill-seeking led him to the jungles of Colombia, where he overdosed multiple times. Realising the danger he posed to himself and his family, he fled back to the USA and sought therapy, which saved his life. He met his future wife, Katie Jean, in Florida and started a family. Despite these positive changes, Shawn hadn’t yet found faith until a vacation in Arizona. Three uncanny experiences convinced him of God’s existence, leading him to embrace Christianity. Now, he helps others with PTSD through his podcast, dedicated to exposing military injustices and sharing his newfound faith in Jesus.

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Jesse shared her testimony of connecting with her neighbours through prayer amidst cultural challenges. Coming from a Sikh background, she has had to navigate her Christian faith amidst family tensions and generational differences. In 2020, during lockdown, one neighbour struggled as her daughter received end-of-life care abroad. Jesse offered support and prayer, which comforted her neighbour and led her to engage with a church community online. Another neighbour faced the potential loss of her husband. Through Jesse’s offer to pray, she found hope and belief in that difficult time. These acts of compassion opened opportunities for deeper conversations. Her conversion story began at the age of 11. She had a picture of Jesus. She was sitting on His knee and he wrote her name in his book. She said, 'Later, in my early 20s, I had another picture where I was stuck in a very deep well and he reached down and offered me his hand, but I had to choose whether I would. I'm glad I accepted his help - that was a turning point in my life.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2024 22:29

Duane Chapman’s testimony

Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, has extensively experienced the dark side of humanity through his career. He firmly believes in spiritual warfare and the redemptive power of Christ, which he discusses in his latest book co-written with his wife Francie, 'Nine Lives and Counting’. The book explores Chapman’s transformation from a troubled past involving crime and incarceration in the 1970s to a life driven by faith and outreach. His career has evolved from capturing fugitives to guiding them towards spiritual redemption, often sharing impactful conversations about faith. His Christian faith journey, intensified by personal losses, including the deaths of his daughter and his wife Beth, has led him to a renewed mission of spreading hope and engaging in ministry work. Now remarried and leading the Light Up the Darkness ministry, Chapman points to the transformative power of Jesus and the possibility of overcoming great struggles through divine help.

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Actor Gary Sinise reflected recently on the power of prayer and his faith journey following the death of his son, McCaleb, from cancer. Sinise, known for his roles in  'Forrest Gump' and 'CSI: NY’,' shares how his family's faith sustained them during their son's illness and eventual passing. Despite their grief, they found solace in prayer and their belief in God. Sinise has called his son a man of great faith, who had a profound impact on those around him, and has emphasised the importance of community and support during times of hardship. His faith has deepened through the experience, and he continues to find strength in prayer and his relationship with God. His story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of faith in overcoming life's challenges.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2024 23:50

From prison to Jesus' mission of second chances

‘Arrested at 8 and abandoned as a child, I turned to crime, leading to an eleven-year sentence at 19. In prison, my cellmate, a devout Christian, introduced me to the Gospel. Eventually, I accepted Jesus, and my faith grew, especially in solitary confinement. Post-release, I faced many hurdles common to the 1.9 million incarcerated in the USA, with over 450,000 re-entering society annually. They have to grapple with problems like finding employment and housing. After my release at 26, I worked minimum-wage jobs, pursued education, and obtained a master's in professional counselling. Now with Prison Fellowship, I long for the redemption of the incarcerated. Despite the stigma and legal barriers hindering re-entry, support and resources are crucial for successful reintegration. Churches and organisations can play a vital role, as they did in my life, offering practical and spiritual support. My journey reflects the transformative potential of faith and community in offering a second chance to those who have been in prison.’

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'The Blind,' a film detailing 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson's journey from alcohol addiction to redemption, has profoundly influenced thousands, his daughter-in-law Korie Robertson reports. The film explores Phil's tumultuous life, marked by anger, addiction, and instability, until his transformative surrender to Jesus. Its raw honesty showcases the Robertson family's struggles and triumphs, emphasising God's steadfast faithfulness. The impact has been significant, with many viewers experiencing spiritual awakenings, overcoming personal demons, and mending relationships. Numerous baptisms have taken place, some in the river behind Phil's home, a testament to his ongoing dedication to faith. Through many challenges, the family has remained steadfast in their Christian beliefs, drawing strength from their faith and community. Committed to promoting adoption and foster care, Korie and her daughter Sadie will speak at The Chosen conference, reflecting their dedication to family and faith.

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Actor Ryan Phillippe revealed a newfound craving for a relationship with God following a spiritual journey sparked by his role in 'Prey’, a film about a Christian missionary couple in the Kalahari desert. After completing the movie, Phillippe delved into religious readings and sought deeper spiritual understanding. Despite success and wealth, he felt unfulfilled and turned to spirituality for peace and satisfaction. He found solace in reconnecting with his faith and exploring the Bible and other religious texts. His spiritual exploration led to significant personal changes, including overcoming depression and addictions. He expressed gratitude for his life's blessings and emphasised the importance of inner reflection in achieving peace and understanding God. Although it is unclear if Phillippe specifically seeks a connection with the God of the Bible, his journey is noteworthy. His openness about his spiritual quest and the positive changes it brought has encouraged others to consider their own spiritual paths.

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