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An HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our Nation and BEYOND…  

Dear ones, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call facilitators, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ who will joyfully Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our nation! 

The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call team has been focused for the past 30 days on transitioning from darkness to LIGHT. We believe that the LIGHT has now OVERCOME the darkness and we have reached a point where we cannot and  will not turn back! These past few weeks following our Presidential Election have been quite a “learning curve” for all of us, as we joined together on this call, submitted ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our intercession, and operated in mutual submission to Him and to one another. We are moving forward together, for these next 40 of the 70 days, rejoicing and praising God for the USA Trumpet Call to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our nation! The list of those affirming and endorsing what God is doing through this initiative is growing every day. We welcome all who want to participate in the 24/7 Call, or come to join us in DC and/or endorse this “labor of love” for our nation!

As we press into completing the “70 Days of Prayer”, the first assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Conference Call, we find ourselves living, moving and having our being IN the LIGHT as HE IS IN THE LIGHT.  We are together experiencing what it is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that we might embrace all that our Heavenly Father has for us, through His beloved Son, our Lord, Savior and KING, Jesus Christ!

We are praying with increasing grace and gratitude toward the January 20th Inauguration / installation of Donald Trump as our 45th President. Our hope for our nation is being renewed while our pounding hearts are rejoicing that we will not only be installing a new temporal leader, but welcoming, greeting and reestablishing our National Covenant with our LORD and KING, our BRIDEGROOM, Jesus! We are watching, waiting and praying…in joyful expectation…as we move toward that most GLORIOUS DAY!

We invite you to journey with us to Washington, DC, to be part of this HOLY CONVOCATION, from January 16th -20thIt will be an historic gathering of great consequence spiritually. We will convene daily, to worship and take communion together each morning and evening, will be fasting and praying in concert, and going out to intercede at various sites in our Capitol to erect HOLY ALTARS to the Lord where dark altars have stood. Let the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our GOD! These “70 Days of Prayer” leading to the Inauguration and the Holy Convocation are preparation for us to  Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation. On January 20th, we will joyously proclaim Jesus as our Lord and King, declaring His Victory of Love over the hearts of the people of our nation and affirming His Sovereign Governance over the United States of America.  

And there is MORE…following that January 20th “Day of VICTORY”, those who can remain in DC for an extra day are invited to join us for a special Shabbat “AFTERGLOW” (from 6 PM Friday, January 20th until 6 PM Saturday, January 21st).  

  • We will come together and enter SHABBAT on Friday evening at 6 PM, as we share a meal and express our gratitude for what God has done…and what He has allowed to take place.
  • Then, on Saturday, from 9 AM to 6 PM, we will gather in a “Malachi Moment”, to “debrief” and envision the future together,  as we transition to the next assignment… covering the “First 100 Days” of our new Administration and enforcing the gains that have been made, the ground that has been taken, and assure that the intercession continues on behalf of what God is purposing, planning and preparing for our nation as we go forward into 2017.
  • At 6 PM Saturday, we will be released to return to our individual states…to the new assignment for this next phase of our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call…and BEYOND!  

     ***** We strongly urge you to remain with us for this critical time of discernment

                       and vision casting for what is to come in 2017! ALLELUIA! *****


We are summoned to a multi-day, HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation. Our staging ground will be at David's Tentlocated on the grounds by the Washington Monument -  ADDRESS:  130 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006.  We will gather there each morning at 9 AM and each evening at 6 PM.  Directions for each day's assignments will be given at the morning gathering, and thanksgiving will be offered and praise reports shared in the evening sessions. We will take communion together at both times.

To prepare for the Second Day for the Battle, Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2017, we will enter into an  ESTHER FAST, from January 16th at 7 PM until January 19th at 7 PM. You may choose to join us or not;  let the Holy Spirit lead you in whatever way He pleases! 

Each day, we will follow the directives that have been received for this initiative. They are as follows:

Day One     -   January 17th - Justice of God / The Faith of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Supreme Judge over the entire nation.                  

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The Supreme Court.

Day Two     -   January 18th - Law of God / The Hope of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Giver and Protector of Godly Law to the nation.

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The Capitol.

Day Three   -   January 19th - Governance of God / The Love of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Lord of USA.                                                                

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The White House.

On January 20th, 2017, we, as representatives of the Ekklesia, will re-establish and affirm our Covenant with the Lord Jesus…The Judge, The Law Giver, The King of kings and our Beloved Bridegroom.  We will renew our marriage vows that day and our brothers and sisters from the nations will serve as our witnesses. That Second Day for the Battle will indeed be a “DAY OF VICTORY”…and a Day of Worship and Unbridled Joy.  Amen! Alleluia!


If you feel that the Holy Spirit is leading you to attend this HOLY CONVOCATION in DC, please pray and seek the Lord for your provision to do so. Each of us is responsible for making our own arrangements. We are unable to coordinate rooming and transportation. Many are staying with friends or ministry partners; some are sharing hotel rooms. Please be sure you have a place to stay and funds to get around the city (Uber is best)…ie. to David’s Tent and to any assignments you might accept. ($$$ for food is optional,  as many of us are fasting, but please be sure to have  your provision so that your needs are met in advance of  coming).Thank you! We look forward to seeing and being with those who are called to be there!

*** Please go to our fb page USA TRUMPET CALL to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation and LIKE it, then invite others to LIKE it.

*** We are posting the Daily Prayer Focus on that fb page each day. Feel free to COPY and REPOST it on your own fb pages. Spread the word and invite others into the Prayer Call!  


Dallas Eggemeyer, Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo

Your 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Administration Team

       Call in number for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Dial 712-770-4340 enter code:   543555#

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The first 100 Days of the presidency of a newly elected POTUS is critical for setting the platform and for garnering the success of the administration from the start. This year the first 100 days begins on Inauguration Day, January 20th, and runs through April 29th, 2017.

As we look back in the history of the nation, the idea of this time period and setting of administrative priorities stemmed from the first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.

It is critical that we stand together As One for the new administration as it takes power in January. President Trump has an aggressive 100 Day policy. If we do not lift our voice in prayer for this president and his policies, then we will not have a right to complain about what happens during this time frame. Not only that, but we are commanded to intercede first for those in authority over us that we can lead a quiet and peaceable life. (I Timothy 2:1-3).

In that light, a coalition of prayer ministries have banded together to write a prayer guide to cover the first 100 days as part of the As One initiative www.prayasone.org. This is the second major collaboration we have endeavored as national prayer networks. The first involved two separate 40 day periods of prayer walking our cities and neighborhoods that resulted in thousands of people putting feet to their prayers across the America.

Pray100 has a Facebook page as well as Twitter account #pray100. We encourage you to use both of them to request that others join in and post your own prayers for the nation.

Dave Butts

National Prayer Committee


Dave Kubal

Intercessors for America


Lisa Crump

National Day of Prayer


Dick Eastman

Every Home for Christ


Cindy Jacobs

Generals International


John Robb

International Prayer Council


Please pray that President-elect Donald Trump and his Vice-President-elect Mike Pence will seek the Lord for His wisdom and guidance for the very challenging assignment they have been given as the new leaders of the USA. Pray that they will be open to incorporating prayer in the way they conduct White House business and in how they provide leadership to the nation and interact with other nations