Incredible church growth

Written by David Fletcher 28 Oct 2016
Incredible church growth

Where is the greatest church growth today? In Iran. Even though Open Doors USA includes it in the top ten hardest countries to be a believer, last year Iran saw a 19.6% increase in the number of Christians, more than any other country. Authorities are working hard to eliminate Christianity, particularly Muslim conversions, and most registered churches are closed. But Iran house churches are growing the fastest. Iranian Christians say the greatest missionary there, the greatest evangelist they’ve had, was the Ayatollah Khomeini. When he took power he converted Iran to the Islamic Republic saying, ‘We’re going to run our country according to the Qu’ran.’ More than thirty years later Iranians are rejecting Islam precisely because of that philosophy. However, we need to pray for protection and comfort for Christians in prison for their faith, and for the deep hunger for the Bible to continue.

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  • Praise: God for the perseverance, courage and bold witness of Iranian Christians. Praise him also for all the missionaries and Bible translators who have paved the way for this Christian revolution. (Ps.40:3)