Pakistan: great church growth

Written by David Fletcher 28 Oct 2016
Pakistan: great church growth

A missionary writes, ‘During a prayer seminar in one Christian church about 300 people attended. It poured with rain all day, and with it God’s spirit really descended. They were challenged to begin 24/7 prayer. They now have prayer each evening from six until midnight, many early morning prayer meetings, 24/7 prayer one day a week and once a month three days devoted to 24/7 prayer. There was training for children and now their prayer groups are expanding into other villages. They had built a church to house 350 people. Now they have outgrown the church and have a congregation of 1500. They are debating if they can get the money to buy adjacent land for expansion. God is at work; miracles are taking place; people are being healed; evil spirits are being driven out. Many converts are from the majority community who now put their trust in Jesus Christ.’

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  • Praise: God for what He is doing in this church, and for non-believers coming to Christ. Pray for their protection as this is in a very vulnerable area of the country. (Hab.3:19)