Saudi Arabian sheikhs legally importing Bibles

Written by Admin 2 07 May 2014

The following is part of a letter from a Christian buisnessman who wishes to remain anonymous. ‘For 30 years people have smuggled Bibles into the Arabian Peninsula in suitcases, been caught, deported and the Bibles destroyed. Six years ago I became a neighbour to some very powerful sheikhs. We met regularly for conversation over tea. As we talked about the Qur'an I would mention the Injil (Gospel) and the position of the Bible in the Qur'an. I challenged them to read the Injil, saying that we could not dialogue fairly as I have an unfair advantage.’ His story goes on to explain how he discussed and examined scripture with the sheikhs over a period of time which finally led to them agreeing to 25,000 copies of the Gospels and the Book of Acts to be imported and distributed amongst Muslims in Saudi Arabia. For the full story click the link below.