To saturate the land with a beam of light from God.

Written by Admin 2 07 May 2014

A film called ‘’ has been set up to assist churches to bring a glimpse of a loving, forgiving God to people of all nations. Their vision is to enable churches to go beyond their own communities to speak to people in today's culture through a unique, short, cutting edge musical and dramatic 26 minute film presentation. The film is being made available nationwide. A quote from Paul Blakey MBE, founder of Street Angels - CNI Network ‘The film is fantastic! It combines stunning scenery with music, dance, rap and the story of a loving God. We will be using the film within our night-time communities, showing it in pubs, clubs, safe place drop-ins and we even have plans to show the film on the street with an invitation to one of the pop-up showings. I encourage you to plan to use this film wherever you can - people in your community need to watch this and to hear the message it gives.’